• 10 Days Refund/Exchange Guarantee is not applicable, if the product is bought during sale/discount/offer promotion period
  • The buyer is free to cancel an order anytime
  • If you cancel your order after it has been shipped, please follow our return process
  • Kishop and its delivery partner (courier company) do not provide the facility of open box delivery, and the buyer must not insist/threaten delivery person for opening the box at the time of delivery attempt by courier company. Rather, the buyer can simply deny accepting the order if he/she is not comfortable in accepting packed/labeled shipment.
  • Orders which are refused for delivery will not be liable for product price payment, any fees and charges, including cancellation charges, return shipping charges etc., so feel free to place order at Kishop.
  • On cancellation, a buyer (who has placed a prepaid order and/or who has paid COD amount to Delivery Person for at the time of Kishop Product Package Delivery) will be eligible for refund equivalent to cart value (but after adjusting discounts/promotion/any other offer deductions)

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